Therefore, if you are wearing Ruby gemstone, you should not wear Blue Sapphire stone and Diamond. Ltd. 2001-2021. However, there are certain situation when you can also wear this stone. According to astrology, the gemstones associated with each planet and zodiac are used to pacify them and even reduce their ill-effects. The ruby gemstone can be a very auspicious stone, but only if it suits an individual. Ruby should be worn during Morning Time, preferably between 5-9 AM. Emerald is not an auspicious stone for descendants ruled by Mars, since Mercury is incompatible with Mars. When you are wearing any gemstone, some important things should be kept in mind that any stone should be worn under the instruction of an expert astrologer after a detailed analysis. Ruby can be embedded in Gold if the ascendant is Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Scorpio. [amazon box=”B01B1WQTF0″ “small”] Emerald Gemstone or Panna: It is very important to read your horoscope properly for your selective Gemstone to wear. This Ruby gemstone will also be beneficial for the ones who are suffering from self-doubt, low confidence, and the ones who are not able to make a quick decision and also the ones who always remain confused and indecisive should wear it. The ruling planet of ruby, sun, should be in its own zodiac, Leo. Using gemstones as astrological remedies is a complicated science, and it is best to consult a qualified astrologer before making any decisions in this regard. It can be Gold, Panch-dhatu, Ashta-dhatu or Copper. This Ruby gemstone will also be beneficial for the ones who are suffering from self-doubt, low confidence, and the ones who are not able to make a quick decision and also the ones who always remain confused and indecisive should wear it. Each person has a unique birth chart that can be prepared by an expert astrologer. It brings out leadership qualities, confidence and motivates the wearer. Once the chart is prepared, the astrologer will predict the position of planets, where he will know which ones are in the position of being favourable and unfavourable. For Business, which gemstone should i wear according to my date of birth? When you buy a ruby gemstone online, take the utmost care in selecting a dealer. How a seasoned astrologer goes about it is to understand what the core desire of the candidate is, who has asked – which gemstone should i wear according to my date of birth. Ruby for Sun, Pearl for Moon, Red Coral for Mars, Emerald for Mercury, Yellow Sapphire for Jupiter, Diamond for Venus and Blue Sapphire for Saturn. This gemstone is related to the Sun, ruler of the Zodiac. In which mettle one should wear ruby – manik gemstone or panna gemstone ? In addition, wearing sub gems of any of these stones are also considered inauspicious. Ruby is believed to be the lord of gemstones. Also if the Dasha is of any other planet, then one should consider wearing the stone for that planet and not Sun Red Coral and Ruby can go well together. A real and well bought ruby gemstone can be bring in realisation of higher truth and self, self-awareness and a quest to reach the higher path of the life. The other important and pivotal question that is being asked by a person is how to wear ruby or Manik gemstone? As you are looking for the astrological point of view, you should consult with the astrologer before wearing any stone. Ruby gemstone represent Sun planet in Astrology and Sun is the significator of Government, due to this reason if a person desire to join job in any government organization they should must wear Ruby stone. Should I wear ruby gemstone if I had wear Moti in my little finger please suggest me what should I do. The ruby gemstone is also called Manek, Ratanraja and is considered the king of gems. Ruby Gemstone Represent Planet SUN, Ruby (How to Wear Ruby Gemstone) is distinguished for its bright red color, being the most famed and fabled red gemstone.Beside for its bright colour, it is a most desirable gem due to its hardness, durability, lustre, and rarity. Ruby is a searing staple of the gemstone world. On the other hand, gemstones are the remedy elements that harmonise the relationship between the planets and humans. Thus, natives of Aquarius should not wear this stone. It represents father, authority, dignity, boldness, commanding power, ambition, courage and kind heartedness. For best results ruby – manik gemstone should be worn in gold or copper ring . Diamond,Atlas Diamond, Herkimer Diamond, Clear Zircon, are also suitable and wear in the Middle finger. The usage of this stone is highly recommended for those who constantly suffer from bad health. While wearing a ruby, these professionals find it easier to tackle their jobs. Do not wear gems even on Amavasya, Eclipse and Sankranti. Using gemstones as astrological remedies is a complicated science, and it is best to consult a qualified astrologer before making any decisions in this regard. In fact, with above mentioned Ruby Gemstone Benefits, It is said that if someone wants to wear or to buy Ruby Stone then Sunday is quite a fortunate day, if not possible then also can get it on Monday or even Thursday especially sunrise time is the luckiest moment. You must ensure that you buy a certified ruby gemstone. Ruby Gemstone for Pisces (February 20 March 20): The Pisces is the 12th zodiac sign. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, Capricorn, and Pisces ascendants should never wear rubies. The person should never wear Diamond, Blue Sapphire or Emerald along with Ruby. The gemstone is associated with planet Sun and zodiac Leo. How to decide or how do i know ,which Gemstone to wear ? However, the ruby can be effective during the major period of Sun. for good astrological effects, one should wear ruby – manik on Sunday morning between 5 am to 7 am. The natural ruby stone should be worn during Sunday morning in the index finger of the right hand most ideally with gold or diamond rings. Those who have Rahu in their 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th house should wear a hessonite gemstone Those who are in the field of army, police, law or journalism should buy hessonite gemstone online. It can be worn with Pearl, Yellow Sapphire and Emerald. Nobody better than a qualified astrologer can provide real guidance about the circumstances under which ruby should be worn. Rubies favor understudies, stockbrokers, geologists, engineers, specialists, judges, legal advisors, and policymakers. Buy a Natural, Sattvik Ruby Gemstone. Free PAN India Delivery | Worldwide Shipping. How to wear Ruby? As a normal person, one cannot know the effect of planets as they indirectly affect your life, where you end up doing things you don’t plan to. Ruby Gemstone or Manik/Manikya: It is ruled by planet Sun and as per Vedic Astrology, enemies of planet Sun are Venus and Saturn. Ruby gemstone, Hessonite Garnet, Rubellite, Red Coral, Red Carnelian and Red Jasper are suitable for the Ring finger. It rules over the 7th house of the native horoscope which altogether develops an inimical relation. But its very difficult to know which Gemstone to wear to get success in life or for any other reasons. When Sun become the Lord of auspicious house in the horoscope /kundali/birth chart … It can also be used if Sun is posited in its own sign in 10 th house this placement of sun gets directional strength. Ruby represents Sun and gives enormous power to Sun placed in your birth chart. Due to this, you start doubting yourself and crush your self-confidence. Such is the brilliance of this stone that people from all over the world adore it and have been purchasing it to adorn their jewelry or gemstone collections. If you wear a ruby, the following things may happen: You are bound to do exceptionally well on difficult tests while wearing a ruby. Many claims that the red ruby stone has the power to restore youth and is considered to be a symbol of love. When not to wear gems. It is also referred to as the king of precious stones and the leader of the gemstones. A regular ruby is costlier than most jewelry. The Sun nurtures a ruby’s supernatural powers, which provides indispensable vitality to people. Light or dark Red & Pink colour and transparent Ruby of Bangkok will give best results according to my experience. A ruby’s healing properties include individuals getting blessed with good health, impeccable eyesight, healthy blood circulation, and a glowing complexion. On the other hand, Moon along with Saturn and Venus doesn’t enjoy the same rapport with the sun, hence Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants are not generally recommended RUBY. The gemstone should be kept below your pillow in the night before wearing it, if the dreams come terribly then it’s useless to wear that gemstone. Ruby gemstone is only stone that helps government job aspirants. Some are fast-moving while some are slow-moving. If Rahu is conjunct with Venus, Mercury should wear Gomed. Venus rules Diamond and Saturn rules Blue Sapphire. Apart from being one of the precious jewellery pieces, it is famous for its astrological benefits too. If your ascendant is Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius then you should avoid using it. Also, keep in mind that on the day you wear the gemstone, the transit moon is not in 4,8,12 from your zodiac sign. It would be ideal to look at the following points before you buy gemstones online, particularly rubies. Leo is ruled by the Sun, which is an enemy of Saturn. the Lord of the Gemstones. Apart from the July month worn, the native of other sign can wear this stone. Ruby, also known as Manek, is a valuable stone whose deep hues attract everybody. Since planets are always in movement, their impact also changes from time to time. Ruby is believed to be the lord of gemstones. If the position of the Sun is unfavorable to certain houses, it is more likely to invoke hostile forces that can have disastrous consequences. This gemstone is related to the Sun, ruler of the Zodiac. You must be thinking if you should wear yellow sapphire or blue sapphire / which will be the beneficial. Finger: Ring finger. © Netway India Pvt. Ruby — Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Cat’s Eye. How To Wear Ruby Gemstone? Due to the “Alexandrite Effect”, this gemstone is also known as “emerald by the day and ruby by night”. For the Virgo native, Saturn is a neutral planet. PROCEDURE TO WEAR RUBY (MANIKYA)? Day to wear: The ruby gemstone should be worn on Sunday . What Should I Not Wear With Ruby? For other ascendants, it should be worn in silver ring on Sunday morning (Shukla Paksha) after dipping the ring in Gangajal or raw milk and energizing the Gem with the prescribed mantras. GEMSTONE / LUCKY STONE Why should wear gem stone/lucky stone? The other important and pivotal question that is being asked by a person is how to wear ruby or Manik gemstone? Learn about some other benefits, considerations, as well as some precautions while wearing this beautiful stone. The blue sapphire gemstone has always been a gem to be in awe of. Ruby is known as ‘Ratnaraj,’ in Sanskrit, meaning “the king of gems.” Not surprisingly, ruby symbolism and lore is … Wearing this stone ward-off against all the blood-related diseases. The best quality ruby is found in Burma. what day and time ruby – manik gemstone should be worn ? Ruby gemstone has been described as 'a drop of heart's blood of Mother Earth' in the countries of the East. Those individuals for whom Saturn is placed in the 1st, 4th, 5th, or 9th house should wear the Neelam gemstone to augment their fate and fortune.8. Saturn does not favor the sun sign Scorpio. These dates should not be worn with gems. Before wearing the gemstone, see if there are any dates 4, 9 and 14. What is the advantage to wear Gemstone? 22 September, 2020. Actually, ascedent of any zodiac can wear a Ruby Gemstone but some conditions applied. Ruby should be worn in Yellow Metal only. Wearing a ruby can bring you outstanding achievement in education, maternal happiness, success in real estate and luxurious vehicle etc. Here, given below are the general astrological conditions which suggest When to wearing emerald gemstone. Creative people who are in search of fame and popularity should wear this stone. We are Open for Fast Delivery in Every Location with Safe & Sanitized Shipping World-Wide. Ruby gemstone signifies power, authority and respect. Ruby gemstone is only stone that helps government job aspirants. Ruby, also known as Manek, is a valuable stone whose deep hues attract everybody. How To Wear Ruby Gemstone? The Burmese diamond is considered equal to the best quality diamond. Eventually, a person who is suffering from blood diseases should wear … If you want to wear a Ruby Gemstone, you can wear a 3 to 6 carats Ruby. Before wearing the gemstone, see if there are any dates 4, 9 and 14. Since ruby is a hot stone, do not wear it without consulting an expert astrologer as it can affect you negatively. मणिक्या कौन धारण कर सकता है।, Who Should Wear A Ruby Gemstone, Bhagya Manthan, Guru Rahuleshwar Ji. This gemstone is related to the Sun, ruler of the Zodiac. In Western countries, ruby is the birthstone of people born in July. This is because of the Sun’s position and its enmity with these planetary positions. Synthetic or duplicate rubies can harm your body. Ruby gemstone is considered to be the birthstone of the month juy. Ruby Gemstone - Know about Ruby Stone, Manik Gemstone, Properties and Benefits of Manek Gemstones and how to use the stone for maximum benefits. However, if the Sun is in Markesh, then you should not wear this stone as it will cause you a lot of loss. You May Place your Orders with us. So, to avoid such confusion and myths make sure to consult the best astrologer at Astroyogi who specialise in giving accurate advice related to the gemstone. People who are in government jobs, senior positions, business the stone can benefit you in many ways. Sun is not an auspicious planet for the Taurus ascendant. Individuals with Sun in 11th house in Aries ascendant should tie the Ruby gemstone on the arm for trial and only after that they should wear the Ruby. When not to wear gems. These dates should not be worn with gems. Many claims that the red ruby stone has the power to restore youth and is considered to be a symbol of love. When you are wearing any gemstone, some important things should be kept in mind that any stone should be worn under the instruction of an expert astrologer after a detailed analysis. Apart from this, it is also beneficial to wear the gemstone during the Mahadasha of Sun. Ruby gemstone and Government Job. Thus the people who usually wear rubies are clinical specialists, agriculturists, lawmakers, and government staff. Ruby gemstone represent Sun planet in Astrology and Sun is the significator of Government, due to this reason if a person desire to join job in any government organization they should must wear Ruby stone. Gemstone Recommendation tool finds stone (ratna) according to your date of birth. Emerald Gemstone … An expert astrologer is a medium that bridges the two ends, humans and astrology. Choose the best online platform like Brahma gems to purchase certified and the best quality gemstones. Since it is a rare gem, alexandrite is a valuable stone for those who are lucky enough to wear it. How to Wear Ruby Gemstone. It is essential to understand why you must or must not wear particular gemstones and buy a genuine ruby gemstone in the case of the former. Ruby Gemstone being ruled by the Planet of the principal source of energy in the universe attracts wisdom, wealth, prosperity to its wearer. … Additionally, it is an embodiment of Kalpurusha’s spirit. Previously mentioned ascendants should avoid Ruby gemstones unless the Sun occupies a favorable position from the lunar ascendant. Since ruby is a hot stone, do not wear it without consulting an expert astrologer as it can affect you negatively. Which gemstone should not be worn with Gomed-Ruby, coral, ... with the Sun or has vision or is situated in Leo, then Gomed should be worn. If one is wearing pearl stone, he should not wear Hessonite or Cat’s Eye. Both in combination will enhance your inner force and make you more ambitious. Ruby gemstone and Government Job. The red variety of corundum, what sets this gem apart from less prized jewels is ruby's inherent beauty. Individuals with such placement should go ahead and wear a Ruby. Ruby is the gemstone of Lord Sun. Even though ruby is found in many hues of red, but the one which matches the blood colour of pigeon is considered the best. Its magnificent sheen and perfect hue put many other gemstones’ beauty to shame. Now coming back to the question that which are the gemstone which should not be worn together at one time. Thus, blue sapphire should only be worn by a Leo native if Saturn is placed in the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, and 11th house. Therefore, if you are wearing Ruby gemstone, you should not wear Blue Sapphire stone and Diamond. You can wear Red Coral in Pendant and Ruby in ring finger in Gold. Almost every query we get can be put into one of these above categories. It is the enemy of all Venus ascendants. You should always keep this stone near your auric presence if you are not wearing it for the particular time. in shukla puksha days. Diamond and Cat's eye should also be avoided with it. If Mercury (Budh) is the Lord of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th house then you should not wear emerald. Astrology is a science which describes the connection of universe and energies with humans. Thus, people of the Aries sun sign should be very careful before wearing this gemstone. This is how we test the gemstone before use. But the contradicting part is that Blue Sapphire does not go at all with both Ruby and Red Coral. Benefits of Wearing Ruby Gemstone. One should wear Ruby/Manikya to make the Sun stronger. C-52, LGF Central Market, Lajpat Nagar- II, New Delhi-110024, India. It helps people professionally and academically, It makes the wearer mentally strong to think straight, It saves the wearer from evil spirits and possessions, It helps to cures insomnia, ulcer, fever and gout, When worn by a man enhances his manhood and when worn by women it ignites passion and power. Individuals born on the first, tenth, and twenty-eighth date of any month can also benefit from donning a ruby. In India, Ruby stone is addressed as Rathnayaka i.e. Also, keep in mind that on the day you wear the gemstone, the transit moon is not in 4,8,12 from your zodiac sign. Wearing a gemstone is not a complex procedure. What to do before wearing: It should be energised with the Surya mantra by an experienced astrologer to attain the full benefit of wearing it Hence, one must choose natural gemstone online from a well-known gemstone dealer, like Brahma Gems. Women can wear a single drop pearl in each ear and enhance their charm and good fortune. Brahmagems is proudly associated with world’s leading gemology institutes and organizations. When viewed under different lights, it exudes an eclectic change of color from green to purple. Who Should Wear Blue Sapphire Gemstone. It was one of the most famous gemstones amongst the kings and queens. admin says: March 21, 2017 at 2:34 pm. How to Wear Ruby Gemstone. It is best suited for government workers, leaders, and politicians. It should be at least three carats (600 mg) in weight and should not have the inauspicious flaws . Aries and Scorpio being ruled by Mars while Sagittarius with Pisces being ruled by Jupiter are the zodiacs where natives can seek to wear RUBY. Can Taurus Ascendant/Vrishabha Rashi Ruby Precious Gemstone. Pearl, Emerald, Topaz, and Diamond should not be worn in a copper ring. You should always keep this stone near your auric presence if you are not wearing it for the particular time. Transparent rubies of large sizes are even rarer than Diamonds. The natural ruby stone should be worn during Sunday morning in the index finger of the right hand most ideally with gold or diamond rings. Make in gold or Copper ring and wear it in the morning of any Sunday during 6 to 7 AM, wear it in the ring finger. The Sun is not an auspicious presence for a few ascendants, and it will not be as beneficial as expected. However, they can wear ruby gemstone during the major period of the Sun. Ruby is believed to be the lord of gemstones. It should not be worn with Blue sapphire and Gomed. There is a very simple logic to wear Gemstone is to keep that planets maximum effects with you by wearing the Gemstone. 1, Tudor Court, Church Rd, Egham TW20 9HZ, UK, Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council, The Indian Gemmological Institute – Gem Testing Laboratory, Negative Effects of Ruby Gemstone- Who Should not wear Ruby, Certified and Natural Gemstone Store Delhi, Red coral Capsule shape, Triangle Shape and Oval Shape Online. Women can wear a single drop pearl in each ear and enhance their charm and good fortune. Flat No. Get free Birthstone suggestions by month and analysis of your janam kundli (birth chart) to find which gemstone suits you Day to wear: The ruby gemstone should be worn on Sunday, What to do before wearing: It should be energised with the Surya mantra by an experienced astrologer to attain the full benefit of wearing it. Those who aspire to become famous, are in a government job and aspiring to progress should wear a Ruby though not without consulting an astrologer. The Sun nurtures a ruby’s supernatural powers, which provides indispensable vitality to people. Ruby should be worn on Sunday, Which is the Day for Sun. Do not wear gems even on … So when Sun is inauspicious in the birth chart, the person should wear Ruby to reduce his problems. The birth chart depicts the status of various aspects in life like career, love life, family, wealth, health and others. The ruby may prove favorable for individuals conceived between August 16 and September 17. Reply. This stone is also great for those who are in politics or people in business and other individuals who have to … All rights reserved. Ruby Gemstone or Manik/Manikya: It is ruled by planet Sun and as per Vedic Astrology, enemies of planet Sun are Venus and Saturn. From the ancient time our sages like Kashyapa, … Ruby stone is the planetary stone for Sun (Surya). Ruby, also known as Manek, is a valuable stone whose deep hues attract everybody. It is a hot stone so the moment you wear it, you can see the difference in a few days. Wearing an incorrect gem can be severely detrimental to one’s health and happiness. Ruby is an unpredictable stone if it does not suit you, then contact your astrologer right away. If because of some reason these groups of stars are not accessible and it is critical to wear the Ruby, utilize any Sunday when the Shukla Pakshais prevalent and wear it in the daytime. Benefits: Wearing this stone confers one with wealth and prosperity. It is known to improve career status, health, temperament and social status. Since astrology has been around since ages, it has got a mixed response from people. Venus rules Diamond and Saturn rules Blue Sapphire. Some say that if a woman wears a ruby gemstone, it takes away her lustre. Wearing an incorrect gem can be severely detrimental to one’s health and happiness. Negative Effects of Ruby Gemstone- Who Should not wear Ruby. Who should Wear Ruby Gemstone according to Vedic Asrology: Ruby is the stone of Sun. If you belong to Aries ascendant, Cancer ascendant, Leo ascendant, Scorpio ascendant, Sagittarius ascendant and Pisces ascendant then you are advised to wear Red Coral. Apart from them engineers, actors, merchants, diplomats, politicians, stock exchangers and all those who aspire to progress in their career or are not able to progress even after making consistent efforts are recommended to wear Ruby. It activates the Leo zodiac as well. The Ruby gemstone is an extremely propitious stone and if it suits an individual it gives extraordinary benefits in life. If one is wearing pearl stone, he should not wear Hessonite or Cat’s Eye. Emerald gemstone, Green Tourmaline, Peridot, and Jade are suitable for the Little as well as the Ring finger. Being the planet sun is an enemy of Venus, you should not wear Ruby. Is the sun is badly placed or the zodiac Leo is placed in adverse houses, Ruby should be avoided. Such ascendants should only wear the sapphire when Saturn is placed in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th or 11th house. … Brahmagems . This gemstone is also necessary for actors, goldsmiths, artists, government officials, stockbrokers, dealers … Is conjunct with Venus, Mercury should wear a ruby gemstone is known... Leading gemology institutes and organizations for business, which provides indispensable vitality to people a valuable stone whose deep attract! 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