Good wound dressings are critical to preventing severe infections after an injury. Not only will it disinfect the wound, it will also aid in calming and soothing the stinging, pain or itching that goes along with an open sore on your skin. Best essential oils for wound healing 1. Others encourage healing by triggering the production of new collagen cells. As an essential oil, lemon oil is well known for its … Essential oils are the concentrated liquid that is extracted from herbs, flowers, fruits, seeds and a whole bunch of other plants and plant by-products. If a cut or wound has happened and you would like to prevent later scarring, here are some tips for you: Here is what I recommend you use for home treatment of all sorts of little scrapes and cuts. Thank you. To clean the wound site, simply add 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil into a cup or lukewarm water. Essential Oils for Pain Relief Now, it’s time to reveal to you the best essential oils for skin repair that will generate although the slow but long-lasting healing impact on many skin conditions. Chamomile comes in two popular species, German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) and Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile). 6 Essential Oils for Scars 1. Helichrysum oil. When you have cuts and abrasions, not only do you have to deal with the pain but open wounds are at risk of infection. German Chamomile is a light blue in color, so please note that if you’re applying it topically and are wearing light-colored clothing, it may leave stains if you’re not careful. Tea tree oil can also help soothe the itchiness, burning and redness that often accompanies wounds and scars. If you’ve hit your ankle or leg with force on a sharp object so that you have open scrapes but also blue-green bruising underneath, use Helichrysum. Creating a DIY recipe or blend to treat your wound is actually a great practice! I’m so amazed! Thanks so much for the information and the first aid recipe. Site Map, Top 5 Essential Oils That Commonly Help to Relieve Back Pain, Best Essential Oils To Prevent Wound Scarring, « Which Essential Oils are Toxic to Cats? Essential oils can also help reduce different scars, including acne scars, keloid, surgery, and burn scars. That is amazing to hear Neia. Hot oils such as oregano, cinnamon, clove, or peppermint definitely require a carrier oil before applied. If you don’t have Myrrh at home, Tea tree oil is also... 3. Anytime someone has an open wound, I think of Myrrh! Tea tree oil solution will help eliminating debris on the wound site. Rosemary Essential Oil: Rosemary essential oil shares several properties and traits with lavender EO. They contain the “immune system of the plant”, hence when distilled and extracted properly, they yield medicinal and therapeutic properties. Which Ones Are Safe? Using a pre-diluted Helichrysum for topical application is totally fine. I used your first aid recipe on my wound that was very fresh. After a week, the entire wound has healed. After 2-3 days, switch to the “Scar Oil Blend” below, which adds scar-healing oils to the mix: Mix carrier oils in your amber glass bottle. This is completely normal. If you’re intrigued by Frankincense, you can learn more about its 4 separate botanical varieties here. Hi Bruce, I would use a blend of Myrrh and Geranium essential oils, 2 drops each, to calm any inflammation in the wound and get it to start healing. Read my full disclosure policy here. Lavender oil is an absolute powerhouse in the world of essential oils, too. Essential oils can help heal wounds by fighting antibiotic-resistant bacteria and yeasts according to scientists. Most essential oils work best for skin care and healing in very low dilutions — on the order of 1-3% of the overall concentration of the formula you’re producing. Most essential oils have antiseptic properties, which means the oil prevents the growth of disease-causing microorganisms. Really good information! But if you find a Helichrysum that seems too cheap to be true, please check the ingredient list to see if it’s pre-diluted. This essential oil for cuts contains an active ingredient known as monoterpenes useful for wound care and healing. Essential oils are mostly organic and thus, much more natural than the fragrance ones. Joyce, I’m thrilled to hear that. 2. List Of Essential Oils For Healing After Surgery, 8 Best Night Splints For Plantar Fasciitis Review. Thanks so much for the information you posted. Frankincense is known for its skin healing properties, … Frankincense essential oil helps to rejuvenate damaged skin. 1. It is so appreciated! Carrot Seed Oil. , Your email address will not be published. It can help relieve tension and stress, so it can be good to use if you have a house move, vet visit, or other event coming up that may be stressful for your cat. Geranium balances out the resinous Myrrh, and also helps to alleviate pain around the injury. Since Myrrh also has a quite distinct smell, I tend to blend Myrrh with a more palatable scent, such as Lavender, Lemon or Peppermint – all of which are also great for treating little ouchies (read on for details). After the initial wound has healed for about 2-3 days, add wound-healing essential oils to your blend. Beware though, it is a lot more uplifting than Lavender so don’t use it in the evening. Even if you are being extra careful, they can’t be avoided all of the time. Susan, thank you so much for circling back and letting me know your amazing testimonial. The power of the essential oils to cure surgery is effective to the level that there is no need for any drugs. More about me…, Copyright © 2021 Essential Oil Haven All Rights Reserved. So I go find my bottle of Myrrh. This essential oil is also balancing and calming to the spirit, so it can also help your little one to better deal with the emotional stress related to his or her injury. Most small cuts or scrapes will stop bleeding in a reasonably short amount of time. However, make sure to dilute it first. For this purpose, carrier oil is always required, as their skin is still very sensitive and fragile. Sometimes it’s a small accident with the kitchen knife, or the razor blade slips a little while shaving… Maybe your child has fallen down on the playground and gets a little road rash on his knee. I use essential oils daily for more natural well-being in my life, and hope to provide you with many valuable resources, tips and reviews to help you do the same. Log in. I have slept better since using it, and following your advice. They are powerful beyond means and also find beautiful applications in other uses such as digestion, nausea and vomiting, and for kids’ well-being. Frankincense Oil. After your wound is cleaned, here are the top 7 essential oils you can apply, why they work, and how you can combine them for best effect. Lemons are high in antioxidants. When purchasing essential oils for wound healing purpose, always keep in mind that these oils are not similar to those for aromatherapy or fragrance purposes. Ma nel caso di ferite minori, gli olii essenzia As far as natural options go for minor burns essential oils appear to be effective tools with great healing potential. This may slow its healing process or interrupt it completely, leaving behind unwanted scars and blemishes. 1. The best essential oils for scars are lavender, jasmine, chamomile and helichrysum, which can be applied several times a day. Filed Under: Home Remedies, How To Use Essential Oils. Greek soldiers used it in the battlefield to disinfect their wounds and stop them from bleeding. If you let it dry out, especially over a wounded area, the skin becomes much more susceptible to additional environmental stressors such as heat, cold, dry air, chafing or irritation. While the former can be used topically all over the skin, the latter will be too harsh for this purpose and thus, may be irritating. Privacy Policy. Since Lavender is such a gentle oil, it’s a perfect home remedy for kids as well. Wash the cut with water, but leave it open as oxygen plays a big role in healing. A little cut or bruise sometimes happens quicker that you can say O-U-C-H! The International Journal of Nanomedicine reported that rosemary essential oil contains compounds beneficial for healing scars. Dilute essential oils in a carrier oil. Keep your scrape moist and clean. Cuts, scrapes, and minor wounds are something we all face quite often. Have you found favorite blends for your scars and bruises? There are a number of essential oils that should be part of any nature-based first aid kit due to the antiseptic benefits they offer. Myrrh is made from resin of the tree and is inherently quite sticky and slow-flowing. I hope it encourages others to try out a natural recipe for wounds and scars. In general, these natural oils are great for small wounds, cuts or scrapes. Per le ferite profonde ti consigliamo di consultare il medico o di recarti al pronto soccorso. Add essential oils, shake well. It is one of the best skin healers in the world, right up there with Lavender and Helichrysum. I am so glad. Back off frequency after that. This is no surprise given the idea that the extracted oil contains the plant’s immune system. Bernoccoli, graffi e tagli si verificano ogni giorno. It’s still red, but there is no cut, scab, or infection at all anymore. Using honey and essential oils in a homemade wound-healing salve. Not only does this help to speed up the healing, it will also decrease future scarring. Hempseed oil is a sensitive oil that will degrade under excessive light exposure and any fluctuation in temperature. Thank you much! Recent research has confirmed that applying antiseptic essential oils makes for a great alternative to antibiotic creams and other dressings, which often produce antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. You definitely want Tea Tree on your wound to ward off infections. In addition, essential oils should be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy. 2 drops Geranium (will make the blend smell quite sweet and somewhat minty). Yet, it’s a gentle oil that not only disinfects the wound, it also helps in calming and soothing any stinging, pain or itching you may experience. Minor wounds usually aren’t anything serious, but it’s important to wash them, especially if you plan to apply essential oils to them afterwards. It is a very regenerative oil and will help prevent infection in your cut. Lavender essential oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it effective in accelerating the wound healing process, healthy skin formation, acne scars, psoriasis, wrinkles, and other related skin inflammatory conditions. So happy to hear your success story! That’s amazing! Lavender. It disinfects bacteria and works especially well for injuries that are also bruised and swelling. My essential oils journey has evolved over the past 5 years and I am now also studying to become a Certified Aromatherapist! I was using calendula as usual but was still really sore…until I started using the oil. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is one of the most nutritional oils and is high in protein and essential amino acids which help replenish the oil in dry skin and it helps promote healing. 1. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, or It’s a life saver for me. However, Helichrysum is a very expensive essential oil. Ten days ago I had a fall while cycling and hurt my knee, face and hand. But the best essential oils to promote healing after surgery are the ones that contain a complex network of molecules to influence healing effect. Personally, I also use a Lavender roll-on for insect bites, taking away the stinging and burning sensation almost immediately. The 5 Best Essential Oils for Cats — Reviews 2021 1. Roman Chamomile is in general more gentle, so you’re reaching for essential oils for a cut or sore on a child, use Roman Chamomile. Your email address will not be published. The essential oils for skin care, when not being used for anti-fungal or anti- bacterial action, work as chemical signalers, instructing processes in the tissues like regeneration or increased metabolism. Some oils ease the pain while others protect against bacteria. The first night with the salve helped ease some of the pain and tightness around the wound. I am thrilled to hear you’ve found natural relief for your wound by treating them with essential oils. To offer it affordably, Helichrysum is sometimes sold at a dilution with carrier oil (such as Jojoba), which is fair and still works great as a therapeutic home remedy. If my toenail is falling off should I take it off? In April 2012, I experienced a massive heart attack. This Tea Tree Oil from REVIVE is absolutely amazing! Tea tree is one of those all-around powerful essential oils that has enjoyed much publicity in the alternative health and medicine circles. Some common carrier oils are coconut, almond, olive, and sesame oil. When you get a wound, depending on how it heals, it may or may not result in a scar. Myrrh is made from resin of the Commiphora myrrha tree. (A Complete Guide). That said, German Chamomile is a great skin soother and helps support your skin’s healing after a scrape. It smells heavenly and works wonderfully! Your email address will not be published. Essential oils offer a variety of healing properties that can ensure your cuts and abrasions are treated fast and effectively. Lavender essential oil – Lavender oil is considered a powerhouse when it comes to essential oils for wound healing. Lavender Oil. Tea Tree. Before applying essential oils, clean your wounds properly and compress slightly to stop bleeding. To maximize its effectiveness, mix Hyssop essential oil with a combination of Geranium, Rosemary, and Lavender, as well as your carrier oil of choice. Here’s why you should blend your oils for combined best effects. Other compounds in oils stimulate the regeneration of the skin tissue. Rosemary has several chemotypes, the most common being ct. camphor, which reduces swelling and encourages circulation. It can also be well diluted to help heal cuts and minor scrapes. I add it to almost all of my skin care blends such as this all-time favorite dry skin oil recipe. Essential oils can also be used for wound healing in babies and children. 5 Tips for a Successful Switch to Natural Deodorant, How to Use Palo Santo Essential Oil & its Therapeutic Benefits, 21 Benefits of Using an Essential Oil Diffuser in your Home, Essential Oils and Seniors: What You Need to Know. Hello and welcome to Essential Oil Haven! Stocking up on Lavender isn’t expensive. To help wounds heal and prevent scars, apply the essential oil directly to the skin. Which Oils Should I Use On My Wound? Tea tree oil destroys harmful microorganisms, that if left untreated, could cause ugly infections in your cut. Please check yourself in to your nearest local emergency room. The antibacterial properties in essential oils help reduce inflammation, heal wounds, and prevent scar tissue from forming. Let us know in the comments below! This includes similar trees, like cedar and cypress, of the Cupressaceae family. A larger or... 2. It is a great anti-inflammatory which penetrates the skin easily and heals wounds faster. Most essential oils, in spite of their natural properties, need to be diluted with carrier oils before applied on the skin. But please do not use it in your diffuser. DMCA Notice. This is exactly what I want to do when I have a scrape or cut. Its antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties lessens the chance of possible infection and bacteria in your wound. I can’t thank you enough for your wound oil recipe. Contact your physician as early as possible if you believe you’ve got an infection. As I'm getting started with essential oils for more natural well-being in my life, I hope to provide you with many valuable resources, tips, tricks and reviews to help you do the same. 7 Best Essential Oils for Skin Repair and Healing. Well not anymore! Frankincense essential oil is blessed with numerous medicinal benefits and healing properties. It has a strong, fresh, herbal and woody aroma and is a top-middle note. So let’s get in! Required fields are marked *. PLEASE NOTE: Most minor wounds heal on their own. Myrrh. It’s day two, and I can’t believe how much it’s healed. This article details a three year research program conducted in nursing homes with over 100 patients using essential oils to treat small to medium ulcers, skin tears, pressure sores and skin abrasions. These oils will serve a base for the essential oils, making them less irritating to the skin and a wound site, to be specific. Terms of Service. Of course it wants to fight bacteria, that’s what an immune system does. You can mix this oil with aloe vera gel and apply it to the wound to aid in the healing process. Helichrysum oil has many beautiful properties that you can use to treat almost any kind of skin condition. Aromatic plants have a long history of use for treating wounds, but the use of pure essential oils for wound care is rare. Yes! Your skin needs a good moisture balance to heal itself and produce new skin. Then you can try the following methods for the application of essential oils. Shake well before each use, and apply to the scar as often as needed – especially when you can feel it starting to itch! We’ve focused on the benefits of those oils since they are backed by the largest amount of scientific research. This oil is known as a potent antiseptic that can be applied for post-surgery minor cuts and wounds. As a Wash The essential oils of many junipers have been used in folk medicine as wound healers. Essential oils are highly concentrated oils extracted from different species of plants; and an excellent home remedy for people who wish to use help from natural means. The combination of these three essential oils will create a powerful and effective wound and scar healing treatment. For best results, repeat every 2 hours for the first day. I'm an Aromatherapist in training. This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Lemon oil. Use a blend of 3-5 different oils to get the best balance of help available for your cut or scrape. If you don’t have Myrrh at home, Tea tree oil is also a great start to protect your open wound. What is the best oil for scars after surgery? Essential Oils As A Natural Remedy Essential oils (EOs) are highly concentrated plant compounds extracted from different sources such as tree bark and resin, plant leaves, roots, stems, flowers, nuts, seeds, and even fruit. It helps in healthy cell regeneration keeping the existing cells healthy. Essential oils are best for healing wounds! Lavender is highly regarded for its ability to promote tissue regeneration and speed wound healing. Applying essential oils daily with a moisturizing carrier oil. Always seek urgent medical care for a serious wound and follow your doctor’s wound care instructions carefully, always … If you have a cut that’s more serious, deep cuts will be closed with stitches to get rid of the danger of infection and make sure of appropriate healing. Start by rinsing the cut with clean water (straight water of with a clean cloth if you like), to ensure there isn’t anything inside of it. I now keep stashes of it around the house, just in case. Don’t be alarmed if your Myrrh essential oil pours slowly, or if you have a hard time getting a drop out of your bottle. Lavender Essential Oil A gem in the world of essential oils, lavender oil (where to get it) is super versatile and can be used for an array of ailments including healing cuts and scrapes. I HIGHLY recommend this recipe. Acne: A great way to help prevent infections and encourage quick healing is with a topical application of essential oils. Thank you for taking the time and coming back here to post your story. Rosemary EO is a regenerative oil and can help prevent infection in the wound or cut. The skin is the biggest organ of the human body and deserves maximum care. For a quick recipe, use 3-4 drops of oils to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO) or Sweet Almond oil: Anytime someone has an open wound, I think of Myrrh! How is your journey going with essential oils as a first aid helper? My wife called 911 and I … Stopping bleeding will prevent anemia and... 2. May God bless all your work. Add the essential oils. Can you please advise me on the oils to use? The answer is yes! Both varieties of Chamomile aren’t the cheapest oils, but don’t let that deter you. Tea tree oil is the next most popular essential oil used widely. Start by pouring the carrier oil into a 1 oz (30 ml) empty amber glass bottle (such as these ones here). Helichrysum essential oil has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that may be useful in healing skin. Lavender oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and calming. Essential Oils for Healing Wounds. They are a part of daily life. It is a great partner in any wound healing blend. It’s about half the size! I have a question: what oils to use on wound that just won’t totally heal–the skin stays open and tender to the touch–want the wound to ‘skin over’ and heal. These are my go-to essential oils for all skin needs! Helichrysum oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and great at helping to close up a wound. All of these oils mentioned here can be helpful, but... 3. Heres how to use essential oils for treating wounds: Apply it immediately to the scar. You don’t want to put carrier oils through your ultrasonic diffuser unit. If your bruise won’t heal on its own, you will have to deal with the underlying cause before attempting to tackle any secondary bruising or infection that develops consequently. I tried your recipe for wounds after taking a couple inches of skin off my leg and it getting infected. Tea Tree ( Melaleuca alternifolia) Last, but certainly not least, tea tree is one of the healing essential oils with a rich history of use as a local antiseptic for burns and cuts as well to treat a wide spectrum of bacterial and fungal infections (including athletes foot and jock itch). It’s an easily accessible oil and absolutely worth the spend to have on hand. September 25, 2020 by Emma Carter 8 Comments. Properties lessens the chance of possible infection and bacteria in your diffuser a potent that! The biggest organ of the pain and tightness around the wound or cut clean. I use on my wound that was very fresh the extracted oil contains the plant ’ s after. Will make the blend smell quite sweet and somewhat minty ) after taking a couple inches skin. And helichrysum, which can be applied which essential oils are best for healing wounds times a day an infection, Copyright © 2021 essential oil always. Contains compounds beneficial for healing after a week, the entire wound has healed for about 2-3 days, wound-healing. Ct. camphor, which can be helpful, but don ’ t use it in the to! Wound dressings are critical to preventing severe infections after an injury off infections minori, gli olii essenzia 7 essential. The past 5 years and I can ’ t let that deter.! 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