Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website: Username: Password: Forgot your password? Session overview (00:45) EMILY: Let me start with an overview of the session today. Getting to JATS and BITS Presented by Bruce D. Rosenblum CEO Inera Incorporated This presentation was provided by Bruce Rosenblum of Inera during the NISO Live Connections event, XML for Standards Publishers, held on October 9, 2017 in Gen… And on the Inera side we have Bruce Rosenblum, who is VP of Content and Workflow Solutions, and Liz Blake who is Director of Business Development. March 6, 2020 SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA—NISO, which develops and maintains the technical content standards that underlie the online publishing of scholarly research, named Bruce Rosenblum, Inera’s CEO, its first fellow in 20 years. Belmont, MA 02478, USA bruce@inera.com Trace Elements and Electrolytes, Vol. Bruce Rosenblum … Inera Incorporated is a Massachusetts Domestic Profit Corporation filed on April 17, 1996. Bruce Rosenblum, CEO of Inera since 1997, has spent more than twenty years developing electronic publishing systems. Inera Incorporated is a Massachusetts Domestic Profit Corporation filed on April 17, 1996. Some of those papers include simple and/or complex math. Bruce Rosenblum. a c Bruce D. Rosenblum CEO, Inera Incorporated NISO JATS Standing Committee Consultant to Crossref ABEC XXV CEC, São Paulo, Brasil 23 June 2017 Bruce Rosenblum. Industry Updates & Meeting Wrap-Up. Reports & Publications. Bruce also consults on the design of electronic production workflows and application of XML in publishing. Bruce Rosenblum. Bruce came to Atypon last year when we acquired Inera, of which he is the CEO. Bruce Rosenblum Inera Incorporated +1 (617) 932 - 1932 brosenblum@inera.com www.inera.com . © Copyright 2020 Atypon Systems, LLC. Bruce Rosenblum, Inera Incorporated, 19 Flett Rd., Belmont, MA 02478, USA Email: bruce@inera.com. About Us. 12:00 Lunch General Session: 13:45 Speaker 1 "Creating JATS XML from Japanese language articles and automatic typesetting using XSLT"-Hidehiko Nakanishi, Nakanishi Printing, Co. Ltd. Materials | Video. He also consults on the application of XML in publishing and the design of electronic production workflows. Bruce Rosenblum VP of Content and Workflow Solutions, Inera, An Atypon Company Bruce Rosenblum has been designing and implementing electronic publishing workflows and solutions for over 35 years. Bruce Rosenblum is the Vice President of Content and Workflow Solutions at Atypon Systems, and the 2020 NISO Fellow. View All Posts by Bruce Rosenblum He was formerly CEO at Inera, which was acquired by Atypon in 2019. NISO, which develops and maintains the technical content standards that underlie the online publishing of scholarly research, has honored our own Bruce Rosenblum with the first fellowship they’ve awarded in 20 years. He was formerly CEO at Inera, which was acquired by Atypon in 2019. The 2020 NISO Fellow is none other than Bruce Rosenblum, who was honored for his long service and invaluable contributions to NISO, to the standards world, and to the scholarly communications community. Bruce Rosenblum CEO, Inera & Co-Chair of the NISO STS Working Group. He has more than 35 years of experience designing and implementing electronic publishing solutions. OpenURL . Export. Bruce Rosenblum is VP Content and Workflow Solutions of Atypon. Bruce Rosenblum CEO Inera Inc. … 0 Comments Tags: Bruce Rosenblum, STM E-Production Seminar 2013. In 2007, we restructured and launched the system of topic committees … to make it easier for members to participate and vote on standards [of particular interest to them] … I think Bruce is the only one that was upset that we instituted this structure, because by my count he participated in 34 of the voting pools we set up under this structure, which is more than any other member.”. Bruce Rosenblum and Nathan Day. HQ Phone (408) 988-1240. … On file we have 30 emails for Bruce including brose*****@inera.com, hageng*****@aol.com, evan.n*****@gmail.com, and 27 other email addresses. Bruce Rosenblum. Inera CEO Bruce Rosenblum provides a brief history of reference tagging in SGML and XML. We work as a team to find consensus. Possible related people for Bruce Rosenblum include Aaron Isaac Rosenblum, Bruce D Rosenblum, Irina Golfman Rosenblum, Alexander Scott Rosenblum, Bradley Howard Rosenblum, and many others. The honor bestowed by this award is really a recognition of those I have had the pleasure to work with for more than 20 years. Rosenblum laid out a realistic vision for XML’s place in various parts of the process, from online XML authoring to post-publication XML conversion issues. Get Full Access To Bruce's Info. Bruce Rosenblum, CEO of Inera since 1997, has spent more than twenty years developing electronic publishing systems. Before joining Inera in 2015, Jenny spent 8 years as Editorial Department Manager for a supplier providing a range of full-service book and journal production services. He frequently consults to scholarly publishers on the application of XML in journal publishing. And on the Inera side we have Bruce Rosenblum, who is VP of Content and Workflow Solutions, and Liz Blake who is Director of Business Development. Rosenblum came … Last Update. SPA OPS project report and toolkit; Representation & Policy; Think Check Submit Previously, Bruce was the Advisory Board Member at MarkLogic and also held ... Read More. a c Ye Olde Days •Circa 1990… a c Manuscript Submission •Author submitted manuscript •Typewritten •… or longhand •… or both. He developed the Crossref Metadata Deposit Schema, co-authored the original NLM DTD, is an active member of the JATS and BITS working groups, co-chairs the NISO STS working group, and served on the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Board of Directors from 2005 to 2013. SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA—NISO, which develops and maintains the technical content standards that underlie the online publishing of scholarly research, named Bruce Rosenblum, Inera’s CEO, its first fellow in 20 years. Bruce Rosenblum Inera Incorporated 19 Flett Rd. Inera Matching Videos. He also consults on the application of XML in publishing and the design of electronic production workflows. In particular, I am grateful to the team at Inera for their ongoing support of NISO work, and I’d like to thank my wife, and Inera’s founder, Irina Golfman. Bruce, Todd said, “is amongst the most prolific voters and contributors on standards. The paper discusses specific reference markup structures in the Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS), from the common to the arcane. Kathleen Berryman, Bruce Rosenblum, Elizabeth Blake, Sylvia Izzo Hunter. Rosenblum pointed out that Microsoft Word is the most widely used word-process-ing application and that Microsoft spends a lot of resources on tuning the product for authors but not for editors. The first NISO Plus conference, held on February 23-25, 2020, featured an awards luncheon in the tradition of the annual NFAIS conference. At the NISO Plus conference on February 25, Bruce Rosenblum was awarded the title of NISO Fellow, in recognition of his tireless service and valuable contributions to NISO. All Rights Reserved Author’s File in Word Copyright ©2007 Inera Incorporated. Bruce Rosenblum: CEO Inera Inc. More » Bits and Pieces: A Revised Look at Metadata eProduction Workflow. All Rights Reserved Coded File Example Bruce Rosenblum, NISO Fellow. Thank you to the NISO board and to Todd Carpenter for reviving this honor and bestowing it on me. He heads up software development activities for the design and development of eXtyles and Edifix, and works with Atypon customers on workflow solutions. Bruce Rosenblum Vice President of Content and Workflow Solutions With 35+ years of experience designing and implementing electronic publishing solutions, Bruce heads up design and development of eXtyles and Edifix, and works with Inera customers on workflow solutions. I considered my contributions useful, but never dreamed they were on the same level. a c Bruce D. Rosenblum CEO, Inera Incorporated NISO JATS Standing Committee Consultant to Crossref ABEC XXV CEC, São Paulo, Brasil 23 June 2017 I have known a few past NISO Fellows, and they have made truly significant contributions to NISO. Robin Dunford of Inera accepts the award on behalf of Bruce Rosenblum, who was unable to attend the inaugural NISO Plus event. In particular, I am grateful to the team at Inera for their ongoing support of NISO work, and I’d like to thank my wife and Inera founder, Irina Golfman. He heads up software development activities for the design and development of eXtyles and Edifix, and works with Atypon customers on workflow solutions. He also consults on the design of electronic production workflows and application of XML in publishing. During that time, he has developed a wide range of document processing systems. At Inera he leads software development […] I’d like to thank everyone who has collaborated with me in community work over the past 20 plus years. He heads up all software development activities at Inera, including the design and development of eXtyles. Bruce Rosenblum has more than thirty-five years of experience designing and implementing electronic publishing solutions. Large volumes of XML document instances are created by conversion systems that rely on heuristic-based tagging. SPA OPS project report and toolkit; Representation & Policy; Think Check Submit All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy. Bruce Rosenblum is the Vice President of Content and Workflow Solutions at Atypon Systems, and the 2020 NISO Fellow. Bruce has 2 jobs listed on their profile. Bruce Rosenblum Commercial Credit & Collections Professional. View Bruce Rosenblum’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. He co-authored the JATS/NLM DTD suite and developed the CrossRef Metadata Deposit Schema. Session overview (00:45) So, let me start with an overview of the session today. Bruce Rosenblum, CEO of Inera Incorporated, a provider of automated editorial and XML solutions for Microsoft Word, reviewed the considerations and preparation required to bring XML workflows into an organization’s processes. At Inera he leads software development […] Bruce Rosenblum is the Vice President of Content and Workflow Solutions at Atypon Systems, and the 2020 NISO Fellow. But then, perhaps the timing was apropos; Todd’s email arrived sandwiched between STS and JATS Standing Committee calls last Thursday and Friday, respectively. Bruce also consults on the design of electronic production workflows and application of XML in publishing. a c Manuscript Revisions Workflow •Manuscript peer reviewed •Revised manuscript submitted •Add a few bits of metadata to the cover page . Standards development is, in Washburn’s parlance, a “team sport”—or, in a more professional language, a collaborative enterprise. Bruce’s Inera and Atypon colleagues are delighted to see his important and ongoing work on standards recognized. Bruce Rosenblum, CEO Bruce Rosenblum, CEO of Inera Incorporated, has more than 20 years of experience designing and implementing electronic publishing solutions. At Inera, he leads the design and development of eXtyles™, a suite of editorial and XML tools used to produce more than 125 scholarly journals. Prior to that, she was Managing Editor of Neuron, published by Cell Press, where she was one of the original beta testers of eXtyles. https://blog.crossref.org/blog/how-we-use-crossref-metadata Flagging Predatory Journals to Fight "Citation Contamination" 28:15. He was formerly CEO at Inera, which was acquired by Atypon in 2019. https://www.inera.com › blog › bruce-rosenblum-2020s-niso-fellow Sylvia Izzo Hunter & the Inera team Social break. Bruce has more than 35 years of experience designing and implementing electronic publishing solutions. When companies don’t ‘speak the same language’, costs remain high and innovation is stifled,” he said. Rosenblum pointed out that Microsoft Word is the most widely used word-process-ing application and that Microsoft spends a lot of resources on tuning the product for authors but not for editors. He heads up software development activities at Inera, including the design and development of eXtyles and Edifix. Bill joined Inera in 2018, having worked extensively in database design, business intelligence, project management, performance engineering, document imaging, and software development over a 30-year career in the IT industry. Reports & Publications. Bruce has more than 35 years of experience designing and implementing electronic publishing solutions. Bruce Rosenblum CEO Inera Inc. If she hadn’t sent me off to 12083 meetings at the 1999 XML conference, I might never have become involved with NISO. As part of this awards program, NISO also revived the tradition of NISO Fellows to recognize the ongoing contributions of community members. Bruce Rosenblum is CEO of publishing technology company Inera, Inc. 11/27/2020 5:56 PM. Bruce Rosenblum CEO, Inera & Co-Chair of the NISO STS Working Group. Log in for Subscribers. Bruce Rosenblum, CEO of Inera and co-chair of the NISO STS Working Group, said that the standard will positively impact the bottom line of standards publishers and their vendors. All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy. Rosenblum came to Atypon with its acquisition of Inera last year. Please join our speaker Bruce Rosenblum CEO of Inera Incorporated Standards and Industry Innovations Department for the next SES Webinar: At Inera, Liz oversees both sales and marketing activities and works with the solutions team to ensure that eXtyles is configured and deployed to meet each customer’s unique requirements. The paper discusses specific reference markup structures in the Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS), from the common to the arcane. 1 Matching Videos. “Investment in publishing technology is a significant cost. Last Update. We couldn’t be prouder! Bruce Rosenblum was invited by the Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos (ABEC) to speak at their 25th Course on Scientific Publishing in São Paulo in June 2017. (Michigan (US), 2 Sep 1975 - ) BRUCE ALLEN ROSENBLUM D.D.S, agent, FAMILY DENTISTRY, P.C. The Problem with References…. Inera CEO Bruce Rosenblum provides a brief history of reference tagging in SGML and XML. -Bruce Rosenblum, Inera Inc. (NISO JATS Standing Committee) Materials | Video. Please join our speaker Bruce Rosenblum CEO of Inera Incorporated Standards and Industry Innovations Department for the next SES Webinar: Bruce Rosenblum Contact Information. XML and the Production Process Presented by Bruce D. Rosenblum CEO Inera Incorporated SSP Technology … Bruce Rosenblum Contact Information. Previously, Bruce was the Advisory Board Member at MarkLogic and also held ... Read More. Bruce Rosenblum Bruce Rosenblum is the Vice President of Content and Workflow Solutions at Atypon Systems, and the 2020 NISO Fellow. Greater Boston Area. Copyright ©2007 Inera Incorporated. Bruce Rosenblum, CEO of Inera Incorporated, has more than 30 years of experience designing and implementing electronic publishing solutions. 3/2017 – Letters to … At Inera, he leads the design and development of eXtyles™, a suite of editorial and XML tools used to produce more than 125 scholarly journals. Rosenblum laid out a realistic vision for XML’s place in various parts of the process, from online XML authoring to post-publication XML conversion issues. 11/27/2020 5:56 PM. Prior to that, she worked for 6 years at the University of Wisconsin Press, where she was involved in both marketing/publicity campaigns and editorial development for an eclectic list of titles. Convince authors use a template that supports your journal’s reference style? BRUCE ALLEN ROSENBLUM D.D, treasurer, FAMILY DENTISTRY, P.C. He heads up software development activities at Inera, including the design and development of eXtyles and Edifix. Location. Greater Atlanta Area. Those who are interested in scholarly publishing, do come and attend this important meeting! Export. Bruce Rosenblum, CEO of Inera Incorporated, has more than 30 years of experience designing and implementing electronic publishing solutions. We expect speakers from Asian countries as well. The principals are Bruce David Rosenblum from Belmont MA and Irina Golfman from Belmont MA. Inera CEO Bruce Rosenblum provides a brief history of reference tagging in SGML and XML. Authors don’t follow format style Authors get references wrong Reference formatting is expensive to fix Correct reference formatting is a cost driver But journals need clean XML of the bibliography for editing and publication. The Solution? Inera’s CEO Bruce Rosenblum notes, “There’s just form after form after form of metadata collected [in submission systems] and it’s amazing how little of that makes it through to the final XML or beyond.” For example, did you know that ORCID IDs (i.e. The paper discusses specific reference markup structures in the Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS), from the common to the arcane. 11:00 am. In the spirit of that collaboration, I humbly accept this award. Company Information: Company Name: INERA INCORPORATED: File Number: 043311430: Filing State: Massachusetts (MA) Filing Status: Unknown: Filing Date: April 17, 1996: Company Age: 24 Years, 9 … https://blog.crossref.org › blog › how-we-use-crossref-metadata Current therapies for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the highest grade malignant brain tumor, are mostly ineffective, and better preclinical model systems are needed to increase the successful translation of drug discovery efforts into the clinic. Jenny’s breadth of experience and editorial expertise inform her work on the eXtyles team, where she manages a variety of projects and leads the customer support team. When Bruce Rosenblum met the woman who was to become his wife, he also met his future business partner. Bruce Rosenblum VP of Content and Workflow Solutions, Inera, An Atypon Company Bruce Rosenblum has been designing and implementing electronic publishing workflows and solutions for over 35 years. Bruce Rosenblum. He co-authored the JATS/NLM DTD suite and developed the CrossRef Metadata Deposit Schema. Authors don’t follow format style Authors get references wrong Reference formatting is expensive to fix Correct reference formatting is a cost driver But journals need clean XML of the bibliography for editing and publication. About Inera. Bruce Rosenblum is the Vice President, Content & Workflow Solutions at Atypon Systems based in Santa Clara, California. He also consults on the design of electronic production workflows … HQ Phone (408) 988-1240. Everything you didn’t know you needed to know about what’s going on in scholarly communications today . author IDs) often don’t make it out of the submission system? On-Demand Video. © Copyright 2020 Atypon Systems, LLC. Inera’s eXtyles strives to make the Word environ-ment more editor friendly. Bruce also consults on the design of electronic production workflows and application of XML in publishing. These calls are the routine work of standards organizations. Bruce’s talk was targeted to publishing professionals wishing to improve their familiarity with XML publishing standards. Before joining Inera in 2002, Liz was a Manuscript Editor at the New England Journal of Medicine and a member of the task force that transitioned NEJM from a paper to an electronic workflow. Bruce Rosenblum, CEO of Inera Incorporated, a provider of automated editorial and XML solutions for Microsoft Word, reviewed the considerations and preparation required to bring XML workflows into an organization’s processes. Get Full Access To Bruce's Info. E-Production Seminar 2013. The Problem with References…. NISO Executive Director Todd Carpenter noted that as well as serving on the NISO Board of Directors from 2005 through 2013, Bruce has made technical contributions that have been even more long-running important—including creating the Crossref Metadata Deposit Schema, co-authoring the original NLM DTD that eventually became JATS, working actively on both JATS and BITS committees, and co-chairing the STS Working Group. Brad Washburn, the noted mountaineer, photographer, cartographer and museum administrator once commented, “I wouldn’t last 30 minutes climbing solo.”. He is the developer of the Crossref Metadata Deposit Schema and co-authored the original NLM DTD. Share . Bruce D. Rosenblum CEO Inera Incorporated SSP 2018 31 May 2018 . 34 – No. Bruce Rosenblum CEO, Inera & Co-Chair of the NISO STS Working Group. Bruce has more than 35 years of experience designing and implementing electronic publishing solutions. Citation. Our eXtyles and Edifix editorial and XML tools allow publishers of scholarly journals and books, standards, and government documents to automate the most time-consuming aspects of publication. Bruce Rosenblum and Nathan Day. Abstract. He heads up software development activities at Inera, including the design and development of eXtyles and Edifix. Company Information: Company Name: INERA INCORPORATED: File Number: 043311430: Filing State: Massachusetts (MA) Filing Status: Unknown: Filing Date: April 17, 1996: Company Age: 24 Years, 9 … Free Full Text . Company Atypon Systems. “We’re thrilled to be recognized for our truly bi-directional partnership with Crossref,” said Bruce Rosenblum, CEO of Inera, who delivered the winning presentation at the awards ceremony. Previously he was Director of Database Design for Fidelity Investments. The principals are Bruce David Rosenblum from Belmont MA and Irina Golfman from Belmont MA. He frequently consults to scholarly publishers on the application of XML in journal publishing. Bruce Rosenblum Inera Incorporated +1 (617) 932 ‐1932 brosenblum@inera.com www.inera.com. Bruce Rosenblum, Inera 11:30 am He was formerly CEO … Bruce Rosenblum is VP Content and Workflow Solutions of Atypon. Bruce Rosenblum is the Vice President, Content & Workflow Solutions at Atypon Systems based in Santa Clara, California. Bruce wasn’t able to attend NISO Plus this year, but here’s the acceptance speech Robin Dunford delivered on his behalf: I was stunned and deeply honored when I received Todd’s email. Inera’s eXtyles strives to make the Word environ-ment more editor friendly. Caitlin Gebhard* and Bruce Rosenblum C. Gebhard B. Rosenblum Inera Inc., Belmont, MA, USA ORCID: C. Gebhard: 0000-0002-8410-2279 B. Rosenblum: 0000-0002-9193-5666 *Corresponding author: Caitlin Gebhard E-mail: cgebhard@inera.com Abstract The majority of today’s scholarly papers are authored in Microsoft Word. Convince authors use a template that supports your journal’s reference style? Company Atypon Systems. He served on NISO's Board of Directors from 2005 to 2013, is a member of the JATS Standing Committee, and is currently co-chair of the steering and technical working groups that are developing NISO Standards Tag Suite (STS). He also consults on the design of electronic production workflows … Since 1992, our team of seasoned publishing and software professionals have pooled a unique set of skills to help transform publishing workflows. The Solution? Bruce Rosenblum CEO at Inera Inc. @MISC{Québec04ineraincorporated, author = {Montréal Québec and Bruce Rosenblum and Irina Golfman}, title = {Inera Incorporated}, year = {2004}} Share. My work with NISO and the larger community simply would not have been completed or adopted without the collaboration of a lot of colleagues, including many of you in this room. 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